コピペで使えるAMP HTMLのUIコンポーネント

コピペで使えるAMP HTMLのUIコンポーネント
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フォーム要素 チェックボックス


フォーム要素 チェックボックス


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<div class="ampstart-input ampstart-input-chk inline-block relative m0 p0 mb3 ">
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    <label for="cb3" class="">Chkbox 3</label>

フォーム要素 ラジオボタン


フォーム要素 ラジオボタン


<!--Checked Radio -->
<div class="ampstart-input ampstart-input-radio inline-block relative m0 p0 mb3 ">
  <input type="radio" value="1" name="rb" id="rb1" class="relative" checked>
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<!--Disabled Radio -->
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  <input type="radio" value="3" name="rb" id="rb3" class="relative" disabled>
  <label for="rb3" class="">Radio 3</label>

フォーム要素 テキストボックス


フォーム要素 テキストボックス


<!-- Text Input -->
<div class="ampstart-input inline-block relative m0 p0 mb3 ">
  <input type="text" value="" name="name1" id="ip1" class="block border-none p0 m0" placeholder="Enter your Name">
  <label for="ip1" class="absolute top-0 right-0 bottom-0 left-0">
    Enter your Name
<!-- End Input-->
<!-- Text Input with value -->
<div class="ampstart-input inline-block relative m0 p0 mb3 ">
  <input type="text" value="John Smith" name="name1" id="ip1" class="block border-none p0 m0" placeholder="Enter your Name">
  <label for="ip1" class="absolute top-0 right-0 bottom-0 left-0">Enter your Name</label>
<!-- End Input-->
<!-- Disabled text Input -->
<div class="ampstart-input inline-block relative m0 p0 mb3 ">
  <input type="text" value="" name="name1" id="ip1" class="block border-none p0 m0" placeholder="This input is Disabled" disabled="">
  <label for="ip1" class="absolute top-0 right-0 bottom-0 left-0">This input is Disabled</label>
<!-- End Input-->
<!-- Date Input -->
<div class="ampstart-input inline-block relative m0 p0 mb3 ">
  <input type="date" value="2020-10-10" name="name4" id="ip4" class="block border-none p0 m0" placeholder="Date of Expiry">
  <label for="ip4" class="absolute top-0 right-0 bottom-0 left-0">Date of Expiry</label>
<!-- End Input-->

フォーム要素 レンジ入力


フォーム要素 インジケータ


<!-- Range Input -->
<div class="ampstart-input inline-block relative m0 p0 mb3 ">
  <input type="range" value="" name="name11" id="ip11" class="block border-none p0 m0" placeholder="Select a range">
  <label for="ip11" class="absolute top-0 right-0 bottom-0 left-0">
    Select a range
<!-- End Input-->
<!-- Disabled Range Input -->
<div class="ampstart-input inline-block relative m0 p0 mb3 ">
  <input type="range" value="" name="name11" id="ip11a" class="block border-none p0 m0" placeholder="Select a range" disabled>
  <label for="ip11a" class="absolute top-0 right-0 bottom-0 left-0">
    Select a range
<!-- End Input-->

フォーム要素 テキストエリア


フォーム要素 テキストエリア


<!-- Textarea -->
<div class="ampstart-input inline-block relative m0 p0 mb3 ">
  <textarea name="name13" id="ip13" class="block border-none  p0 m0" rows="5"></textarea>
  <label for="ip13" class="absolute top-0 right-0 bottom-0 left-0">
    Write your story
<!-- End Textarea -->
<!-- Disabled Textarea -->
<div class="ampstart-input inline-block relative m0 p0 mb3 ">
  <textarea name="name13" id="ip13a" class="block border-none  p0 m0" rows="5" disabled=""></textarea>
  <label for="ip13a" class="absolute top-0 right-0 bottom-0 left-0">
    This input is disabled
<!-- End Textarea -->

フォーム要素 セレクトボックス


フォーム要素 セレクトボックス


<!-- Select -->
<div class="ampstart-input inline-block relative m0 p0 mb3 ">
  <select name="name12" id="ip12" class="block border-none  p0 m0">
      <option value="">Apple</option>
      <option value="">Orange</option>
      <option value="">Lemon</option>
      <option value="">Grape</option>
  <label for="ip12" class="absolute top-0 right-0 bottom-0 left-0">
    Select a fruit
<!-- End Select -->
<!-- Disabled Select -->
<div class="ampstart-input inline-block relative m0 p0 mb3 ">
  <select name="name12" id="ip12a" class="block border-none  p0 m0" disabled="">
      <option value="">Apple</option>
      <option value="">Orange</option>
      <option value="">Lemon</option>
      <option value="">Grape</option>
  <label for="ip12a" class="absolute top-0 right-0 bottom-0 left-0">
    Select a fruit
<!-- End Select -->





<section class="ampstart-related-article-section p3 mb4 border-top border-bottom">
  <h2 class="ampstart-heading h5 caps m0 mb3">Related article</h2>
  <article class="ampstart-related-article">
    <amp-img src="../../img/rectangle2.png" width="1280" height="720" layout="responsive" alt="" class="mb3"></amp-img>
    <h3 class="ampstart-heading h4 m0 mb3">Incredible views from space</h3>
    <p class="line-height-4 mb3">
        Nam semper tristique aliquet. Fusce et mauris elit. Nunc pharetra,
        felis pretium semper malesuada, tortor libero tincidunt arcu, sit
        amet fringilla magna ante sit amet magna. Praesent sem leo,
        fringilla at dolor eu, blandit malesuada dolor.
    <a href="#" class="ampstart-rekated-article-readmore block text-decoration-none caps h5">
      Read more





<section class="ampstart-related-section mb4 px3">
  <h2 class="h3 mb1">Recommended for you</h2>
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    <li class="col-12 sm-col-4 md-col-4 lg-col-4 pr2 py2">
<!-- Start Image with Caption -->
      <figure class="ampstart-image-with-caption m0 relative mb4">
        <amp-img src="../../img/rectangle1.png" width="233" height="202" layout="responsive" class=""></amp-img>
        <figcaption class="h5 mt1 px3">
          Imagine: life on the moon
<!-- End Image with Caption -->
    <li class="col-12 sm-col-4 md-col-4 lg-col-4 pr2 py2">
<!-- Start Image with Caption -->
      <figure class="ampstart-image-with-caption m0 relative mb4">
        <amp-img src="../../img/rectangle2.png" width="233" height="202" layout="responsive" class=""></amp-img>
        <figcaption class="h5 mt1 px3">
          A satellite's view
<!-- End Image with Caption -->
    <li class="col-12 sm-col-4 md-col-4 lg-col-4 pr2 py2">
<!-- Start Image with Caption -->
      <figure class="ampstart-image-with-caption m0 relative mb4">
        <amp-img src="../../img/rectangle1.png" width="233" height="202" layout="responsive" class=""></amp-img>
        <figcaption class="h5 mt1 px3">
          Out-of-this-world space tech
<!-- End Image with Caption -->

ソーシャルアイコン フォローボタン



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ソーシャルアイコン シェアボタン


ソーシャルアイコン シェアボタン


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<ol class="m0">
  <li>Muddle 6 of the strawberries with the juice of one lemon</li>
  <li>Slice the rest of the strawberries in even, 1/4-inch slices</li>
  <li>Grate ginger (juice and pulp) into the strawberry-lemon mixture</li>
  <li>Combine sparkling water with mixture to taste</li>





<ul class="m0">
  <li>2 bunches of strawberries</li>
  <li>1 lemon</li>
  <li>1 cucumber</li>
  <li>Mint leaves</li>

画像 フルページ表示


画像表示 フルページ


<figure class="ampstart-image-fullpage-hero m0 relative mb4">
  <amp-img width="404" height="720" layout="responsive" src="../../img/rectangle1.png" media="(max-width: 415px)"></amp-img>
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  <figcaption class="absolute top-0 right-0 bottom-0 left-0">
    <header class="p3">
      <h1 class="ampstart-fullpage-hero-heading mb3">
        <span class="ampstart-fullpage-hero-heading-text">
          Life on a space shuttle
      <span class="ampstart-image-credit h4">
        By <a href="#" role="author" class="text-decoration-none">D.F. Roy</a>,<br> January 14, 2017
    <footer class="absolute left-0 right-0 bottom-0">
        <a class="ampstart-readmore py3 caps line-height-2 text-decoration-none center block h5" href="#content">Read more</a>

画像 ヘッドライン付き


画像 ヘッドライン付き


<figure class="ampstart-image-with-heading  m0 relative mb4">
  <amp-img src="../../img/rectangle2.png" width="1280" height="853" layout="responsive"></amp-img>
  <figcaption class="absolute right-0 bottom-0 left-0">
    <header class="ampstart-image-heading px2 py2 line-height-4">
      <h1>Views from Space</h1>

画像 クレジットのキャプション付き


画像 クレジットのキャプション付き


<figure class="ampstart-image-with-caption m0 relative mb4">
  <amp-img src="../../img/rectangle2.png" width="1280" height="853" layout="responsive" class=""></amp-img>
  <figcaption class="h5 mt1 px3">
    Duis nec dolor et quam vulputate sagittis. Nam arcu ex, suscipit nec cursus a, volutpat sit amet felis.
      <span class="ampstart-image-credit block bold">
        Taken by
          <a href="#" role="author">J.T. Lee</a>

画像 カルーセル機能


画像 カルーセル機能


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<amp-carousel width="1280" height="853" layout="responsive" type="slides" class="mb4">
<!-- Start Image with heading -->
  <figure class="ampstart-image-with-heading  m0 relative mb4">
    <amp-img src="../../img/rectangle2.png" width="1280" height="853" layout="responsive"></amp-img>
    <figcaption class="absolute right-0 bottom-0 left-0">
      <header class="ampstart-image-heading px2 py2 line-height-4"><h1>Image 1</h1></header>
<!-- End Image with heading -->
<!-- Start Image with heading -->
  <figure class="ampstart-image-with-heading  m0 relative mb4">
    <amp-img src="../../img/rectangle1.png" width="1280" height="853" layout="responsive"></amp-img>
    <figcaption class="absolute right-0 bottom-0 left-0">
      <header class="ampstart-image-heading px2 py2 line-height-4"><h1>Image 2</h1></header>
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<!-- Start Image with heading -->
  <figure class="ampstart-image-with-heading  m0 relative mb4">
    <amp-img src="../../img/rectangle2.png" width="1280" height="853" layout="responsive"></amp-img>
    <figcaption class="absolute right-0 bottom-0 left-0">
      <header class="ampstart-image-heading px2 py2 line-height-4"><h1>Image 3</h1></header>
<!-- End Image with heading -->

画像 カルーセル機能キャプション付き


画像 カルーセル機能キャプション付き


<script custom-element="amp-carousel" src="https://cdn.ampproject.org/v0/amp-carousel-0.1.js" async></script>


<amp-carousel width="1280" height="853" layout="responsive" type="slides" class="mb4">
<!-- Start Image with Caption -->
  <figure class="ampstart-image-with-caption m0 relative mb4">
    <amp-img src="../../img/rectangle2.png" width="1280" height="753" layout="responsive" class=""></amp-img>
    <figcaption class="h5 mt1 px3">
      Duis nec dolor et quam vulputate sagittis. Nam arcu ex, suscipit nec cursus a, volutpat sit amet felis.
        <span class="ampstart-image-credit block bold">
          Taken by
            <a href="#" role="author">J.T. Lee</a>
<!-- End Image with Caption -->
<!-- Start Image with Caption -->
  <figure class="ampstart-image-with-caption m0 relative mb4">
    <amp-img src="../../img/rectangle1.png" width="1280" height="753" layout="responsive" class=""></amp-img>
    <figcaption class="h5 mt1 px3">
      Duis nec dolor et quam vulputate sagittis. Nam arcu ex, suscipit nec cursus a, volutpat sit amet felis.
        <span class="ampstart-image-credit block bold">
          Taken by
            <a href="#" role="author">Mali D.</a>
<!-- End Image with Caption -->
<!-- Start Image with Caption -->
  <figure class="ampstart-image-with-caption m0 relative mb4">
    <amp-img src="../../img/rectangle2.png" width="1280" height="753" layout="responsive" class=""></amp-img>
    <figcaption class="h5 mt1 px3">
      Duis nec dolor et quam vulputate sagittis. Nam arcu ex, suscipit nec cursus a, volutpat sit amet felis.
        <span class="ampstart-image-credit block bold">
          Taken by
            <a href="#" role="author">L. Fischer</a>
<!-- End Image with Caption -->





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